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The Importantance Of Water

One of the most importance resources that the earth gives us is water. All living things, including humans, animals and plants, need water in order to survive.

While water is important to all living beings, it plays a different role for plants and for humans and animals. Let us differentiate the functions of water in human beings, animals and plants.

All the statements below tell us about the importance of water.

Importance of water to plants:

Water helps to support aquatic plants.
The process of transpiration involves water.
Water is needed for the germination of seeds.
Water helps to transport synthesised food to all parts of plant.
Water dissolves and transports mineral salts from the roots to the leaves.

Importance of water to human beings and animals:

Water dissolves and transports digested food to all parts of the living thing.
Water dilutes blood and enables it to transport oxygen efficiently.
A person will die of dehydration if he loses 20% of water from his body.
Water is important in excretion. It helps rid the body of unwanted substances.
Water controls body temperature.
Water keeps the lung moist for exchange of gases through respiration.
Water supports and maintains the body shape of invertebrates.
Water is needed in many household and daily activities.

Did you know?

70% of the earth's surface is covered in water.
Our body is made up of 60% to 95% of water.

Water is perhaps the most important nutrient in our diets. In fact, a human adult needs to drink approximately two litres (8 glasses) of water every day to replenish the water that is lost from the body through the skin, respiratory tract, and urine.

However, 99.7% of the Earth's water supply is not usable by humans. This unusable water includes salt water, ice, and water vapour in the atmosphere.

Only fresh water, which is contained in rivers, lakes, and underground sources, can be used for human consumption. Furthermore, many freshwater sources are not suitable for human to drink.

Water containing dangerous microorganisms and large amounts of industrial waste or agriculture chemicals (eg pesticides) can be toxic and unfit for drinking. Hence, humans have a great need for a reliable source of clean fresh water for drinking.

In addition to the water needed for drinking, other uses of fresh water include household use (eg cooking and cleaning), industry, agriculture (eg irrigation), and recreation.

Hence, the quality of fresh water supply is important for virtually every aspect of our lives. Water that is supplied for domestic use must be treated to ensure it is clean.

The water supplied must meet the National Guidelines for the Quality of Drinking Water (1983), which is based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) Guidelines for the Quality of Drinking Water (1984).

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